Terms of use

The Administrator of this Website is the Society for the Protection of Prespa, Agios Germanos, Prespa, Greece, Tax ID Number 090248099, Business Registry Number 154847555000.

This webpage (together with all the documents to which it refers) constitutes the terms of use according to which you may use this website (“our website”) either as a simple user or as a registered user.

Please read these terms of use carefully and in detail before you start browsing our website.

If you start browsing our website, this constitutes acceptance of these terms of use, which you must strictly adhere to. If you do not agree with these terms of use, then please do not browse our website.

Access to our Website

Access to our website is temporarily allowed and for this reason we reserve any right to discontinue its operation as well as to any modification concerning its use without prior notice. For this reason, we are not responsible for as long as our website is not available in whole or in part.

We also reserve the right to restrict access to our website, in whole or in part, to users registered on it.

If for registration on our website you have selected and registered a user ID and password, or if you have been sent such information by our company, you have the obligation to manage this information with absolute confidentiality and you must not for any reason provide this information to third parties. For this reason, we reserve the right to disable any user ID and password, whether you chose them, or they were sent to you by our company, if we deem it appropriate for security reasons regarding our website and our systems and specifically if you do not comply with these terms of use.

You have the obligation to take all necessary technically appropriate actions that are in your sphere of responsibility to access our website. You also have an obligation to ensure in every way that those who may use your own means of internet access are aware of these terms and abide by them.

Your access to our website also depends on your consent to cookies, which exist on it and are related to your connection. For more information, please see our Cookies Policy.

Information we collect about you 

When using our website, we may collect information about you. Please see our  Privacy Policy for more information.

Legitimate Use

The use of our website is allowed only if its use does not violate the law. For this reason, it is expressly forbidden to use our website:

  • If your use violates any national or international law or regulation.
  • If the use you make is in bad faith, or it is made for fraudulent purposes or has malicious or fraudulent consequences.
  • If by using our website you are illegally monitoring, harassing, or exercising any kind of violence or threat or attempting to make any of the above.
  • If by using our website you send uninvited or without consent correspondence, which contains advertising or promotional material.
  • If you knowingly transmit any type of data that contain viruses, Trojan Horses, Worms, Time Bombs, Keystroke Loggers, spyware, advertising software (adware) or any type of software or code that may adversely affect the operation of software or electronic equipment (hardware) either of our own or of any third party.
  • If you transmit, distribute, or reproduce any type of material that is offensive, libelous, abusive, hateful or invites third parties to perform such acts, as well as material that may be misleading or deceitful for third parties.

Additionally, you expressly agree:

  • That you will not reproduce, copy, or emulate our website in any way, either in whole or in part, without our written consent.
  • That you will not provide us with inaccurate, false, or misleading information.
  • That you will not gain access without permission, will not interfere, and will not cause damage or downtime:
  • In any part of our website
  • Any type of electronic equipment in which our website is stored
  • Any type of software on which our website operates or which we use to provide access to it, as well as
  • Any type of electronic equipment or software used by any third party

Trademark and Intellectual/Industrial Property Rights

All relevant rights in trademarks and intellectual/industrial property as well as in any way published material on our website are either our property or we have received the corresponding license to use them, unless more specific reference is made to them.

All the above, which may, indicatively and not restrictively, include images, graphic and graphic depictions, texts, visual and audio material to be reproduced, are our property and it is expressly forbidden to convert, copy, reproduce, display, distribute and share them in any way, without our written consent.

Publication of Information and Material

The publication of information and any kind of material on our website does not constitute professional advice on our part and should not be considered as such and therefore we do not bear any liability.

Changes to our Website

Our goal is to keep our website up to date both in terms of content and technical level. For this reason, there may be a need to temporarily deny access to our website or even to suspend its operation for an indefinite period of time. Despite our best efforts the material posted on our website may not be the most recent or up to date and we do not undertake the obligation to make such updates.

Our responsibility

The material presented on your website is provided without any assurance or guarantee for its completeness and correctness.

We also do not assure or guarantee that the content of the website and its technical data are completely free from electronic viruses or other malicious software.

We further assume no responsibility for any damage you may suffer from the use of the website either positive or consequential, direct or indirect, as for any loss of profit whether it comes from the inability to use our website or is a result of such use.

Links to our Website

You are permitted to provide a link to our website or any material within it solely for personal (non-commercial) use, provided that this act is lawful, bona fide and does not cause in any way damage to the reputation of our company or does not exploit it. In any case, the link reference should not create the impression of any connection of you with our company in any way or the impression of our approval of the placement of the link, which is provided solely in writing. If the link is posted on any type of website on the Internet, then the use of this website must also be governed by terms of use with content equivalent to these terms of use.  In any case, we reserve the right to discontinue this link without notice, without justification and without a deadline.

Links on our Website

Wherever on our website there are links to other websites and other material provided by third parties, these links are provided solely for your information. We do not carry out any audit whatsoever on the above websites and on the material of third parties and we have absolutely no control over them. We are also not partners or representatives of the legal owners of the above and we are not responsible for any damage you may suffer from the use of these links.

Suspension of use and exclusion

If in our opinion you have violated these terms of use, then we reserve the right to take any actions we deem necessary and appropriate to prevent their violation.  Such actions may be, but not limited to, the following:

  • Immediate termination of access rights to our website either as a simple or as a registered user, which can be either temporary or permanent.
  • Send you a letter, protest and warning about future consequences.
  • Take legal action against you, which may, among other things, concern our compensation for any damage we have suffered, which you hereby accept that you are responsible for reparation.
  • Disclosure of all relevant information to the relevant authorities, if we consider that you have committed infringements for which they are competent.

General Provisions

All social media trademarks that have been placed on the website belong to their respective companies. Any access to the website through social media as well as the same access to our pages on these media is subject to these terms of use.

Applicable Law/Competent Courts

The applicable law for any dispute arising from the use of our website and the application of these terms of use is exclusively the Greek law and the competent courts are exclusively those of Florina, Greece.

Amendment of these terms of use

We reserve the exclusive right to revise and amend these terms of use without prior notice or announcement. It is your sole responsibility to check these terms of use at regular intervals as they are binding for you when you make any use of our website in any way.