The Prespa National Park holds immense scientific importance as it is a paradise for biodiversity studies. Its unique ecosystem hosts rare species of flora and fauna, including endangered birds such as the Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus).

View of the Pavlides Hall at the Society for the Protection of Prespa, where part of the printed archival material is located
The Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP), an environmental non-profit organization, has been active in Prespa since 1991. With significant work in the protection and study of the pelican, continuous efforts in the area, and numerous collaborations with scientific/educational institutions and organizations within and outside Greece, it possesses a large archive of works on Prespa and the Balkans.
Cambridge University Press Edition (1964) on European Flora
Books, articles, journals, photographs, slides, in both digital and analog forms, provide researchers with a treasure trove of information, facilitating efforts to preserve natural heritage and enriching scientific research.
The SPP archive is accessible to those who submit a relevant application by sending an email to
On the SPP website (in Greek/English), under the “Library” category, you will find available online materials such as articles, reports, environmental education packages, annual reports, and more.

Rare Greek and foreign publications on animals and plants