Saw / heard
Saw / heard
2 November 2022Unknown purple flower
Text: I would like to know what this flower is and if it can be used in any preparations, if it is edible, etc. Answer: This is the cornflower (Centaurea cyanus). This flower is edible and is used as a decorative element in cooking/baking after drying. For more information, please
Saw / heard
2 November 2022I saw/ I heard
Have you walked inside the Prespa National Park and seen or heard something you want to inform us about or learn more about? Upload your file, by clicking HERE, write a short description, place a pin on the map if needed, and we will respond to you shortly.
Saw / heard
2 November 2022Pelican carcass at Koula Beach
Location: Koula Beach (or pin on the map or coordinates) Text: While walking in the Koula Beach area, I saw two pelican carcasses. Who should I contact and how should I handle this? Response: Contact the Management Body of the Prespa National Park (tel: 23850 51870) so they can take