“New Agriculture New Generation” participates as a partner in the Erasmus+ project entitled Boosting Social and Organic Farming for Inclusive & Sustainable Growing Economies – SOURCE, coordinated by Agriform Parma and partner University Magyar Agrár-és Élettudományi Egyetem (volt SZIE). The aim is to strengthen organic agriculture with a social label (social agriculture) and support farmers and vulnerable social groups by contributing to a sustainable and inclusive agri-food ecosystem.
Main targets
In particular, the main objective of the project is to strengthen the connection between social agriculture and organic agriculture by supporting and upgrading both the processes and skills of farmers and candidates for the dissemination of organic and social agriculture for sustainable ecosystems.
The project will contribute to the improvement of existing training practices and the design of a common curriculum for the so-called “social and organic producer” fostering green innovation and the transition to sustainable and inclusive production societies.