Imagine… at the Prespes library with the National Library’s Summer Campaign
This year, the municipal library participated in the 2019 Summer Reading and Creativity Campaign, themed “Imagine…”.
Our little friends unleashed their imagination and creativity through four experiential activities that took place on 31/7, 28/8, 30/8, and 4/9. The children awakened entire worlds, such as an anthill, through the activity “…small awakenings,” traveled to dream gardens in Japan and Versailles, and then created their own dream journey through the activity “…in the summer, dreams come true.” They discovered the magic of sounds and their significance in our daily lives through the activity “…Discovering the materials and sounds of my language,” and finally, inspired by Evi Gerokosta’s fairy tale “The Cage with Dreams,” they created their own dream pillow.
This year’s Summer Campaign was a collaboration between the National Library of Greece (NLG) and the NLG Network of Greek Libraries (NGL) with the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation.