Ceremony for the signing of the Memorandum for the establishment of EGTCs in Prespa

The Municipality of Prespa is hosting at the Town Hall (village of Lemos) the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Municipalities of Prespa, Resen, Pustec and Devoll, on Friday 29 November 2024, at 11.30 am. The event marks the commitment of local authorities to cross-border cooperation, for the protection and sustainable development in the Prespa basin, through the establishment of a European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). EGTCs are transnational organisations based on European Union law (European Union Regulations 1082/2006, 1302/2013 and 1059/2021), which facilitate cooperation between regions, municipalities and public bodies from different States and candidate countries. The aim is to promote cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation to strengthen territorial cohesion and sustainable development. The EGTC provides legal status, enabling its members to overcome administrative and legal obstacles and facilitating the implementation of joint projects.

The hosting ceremony includes a welcoming speech by the Mayor of Prespes, Georgios Stergiou, a speech by the Ambassador of the European Union in Skopje, Mr. Michael Rokas, with emphasis on the role of the European Union in promoting cross-border cooperation and statements by the mayors of the transboundary Prespes region. The highlight of the event will be the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, through which the four mayors will commit to their common vision of sustainable development, environmental protection and preservation of cultural heritage. After the signing ceremony, a visit will take place to the site where the new border crossing point will be built near Laimos village, during which a brief presentation of the planned projects on both sides of the border will be given.

The objectives of the Memorandum include improving the quality of life through upgraded municipal and public services, collective management of natural and cultural resources and addressing the impacts of the climate crisis. In addition, the Prespa EGTC aims to promote the region as a single tourist destination, based on its unique natural and cultural wealth.

The initiative aims to make the Prespa Basin, which is the first transboundary protected area in the Balkans, a model of innovative cross-border cooperation and sustainable regional development for the wider region.

The Mayor of Prespa, Georgios Stergiou, said: “This agreement not only marks our collective ambition for the Prespa region, but also our commitment to act in order to improve the lives of our citizens. The Prespa European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation will allow us to work together effectively to protect our common heritage and create new opportunities for prosperity on all three sides of the border“.