Trash free Prespa!

World Environment Day serves as an occasion for joint actions in the three municipalities bordered by the Prespa lakes. On Sunday, June 5, 2023, a volunteer cleanup will be organized simultaneously in Greece, Albania, and North Macedonia covering over 100 kilometers of coastline along one of the largest and oldest lakes in the Balkans and Europe, Great Prespa.

The Municipality of Prespa invites volunteers for a cleanup at Koula Beach, the estuary of the Agios Germanos River, and the village of Psarades. Volunteers are asked to meet at the Prespa Town Hall (Laimos village) at 9:00 AM to receive bags, gloves, and commemorative caps.

Transportation to and from the cleanup sites will be provided by the two electric vans of the Municipality. The event, under the slogan “Trash free Prespa! – Prespa without garbage!” is an initiative of the three Mayors and supported by the Interreg-IPA CBC cross-border cooperation programs.

The action has been completed.


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